Thursday, 31 May 2012

Blake Lively - Bullett Magazine

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Happy Thursday

My apologizes for the late reply, blood pressure is playing up again!
Here is today's outfit:
Cardi: boho Australia
Top: dotti
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: sportsgirl
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Hope you all have a fab day & aren't too chilly!
Here is today's outfit:
Cardi: Sambara
Top: cotton on
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: sportsgirl
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Happy Tuesday!

My apologies for the late post! We all need a sleep in once in a while!
Here is today's outfit!
Vest: Live Girl
Top: dotti
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: sportsgirl
Gloves: dotti
Earrings: flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xxx

Monday, 28 May 2012

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Time to get rugged up today!
Here is today's outfit:
Jumper: glassons
Top: dotti
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: therapy
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: Von treskow & flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Happy Sunday!

Hope everyone had a good sleep! It's work time for me today! I'm absolutely loving my new nail colour!
Here is today's outfit:
Cardi: target
Singlet: dotti
Pants: regatta
Shoes: sportsgirl
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: Von treskow & flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Nothing to do?

Why not follow me on instagram to get even MORE MelbourneFashionDiary updates!! @melbournefashiondiary

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Friday, 25 May 2012

Happy Friday!

Wow my advice today is just to TRY and stay dry! I'm rugged up once again! I seem to get freezing in colder weather!
Here is today's outfit:
Coat: minkpink
Top: cotton on
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: sportsgirl
Scarf: condura
Gloves: dotti
Earrings: flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Happy Thursday!

It sure has been cold in Melbourne lately and get ready for another one today! I hope you all enjoy the day!
Here is today's outfit:
Jumper: red berry
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: therapy
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbouneFashionDiary xx

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Gorgeous pictures to dream about!

Wow how incredibly stunning do all these lovely ladies look! Something to dream about fashionista's!

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Happy Hump Day!

Almost over the hump! Get ready for another cold day Melbourne!
Here is today's outfit:
Cardi: sambara
Top: cotton on
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: sportsgirl
Scarf: condura
Earrings: flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Bur it sure is cold in Melbourne today!
Off to university for a late class! Ah my favourite ;/
Here is today's outfit:
Jacket: target
Top: cotton on
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: bought in mornington
Gloves: Dotti
Scarf: condura
Earrings: flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary cx

Monday, 21 May 2012

Happy Monday!

I hope you all are well! I'm so excited that I get to wear this gorgeous incyda jacket!!
Here is today's outfit!
Jacket: incyda
Top: sportsgirl
Jeans: just jeans
Shoes: therapy
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: Von treskow & flick pope

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all had a great night last night and a fab day today! I'm off to work now! Come and visit me!
Here is today's outfit!
Blazer: sportsgirl
Top: cotton on
Pants: regatta
Shoes: therapy
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xxx

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Happy Saturday!

Hope you had a fab Friday night! It's painting time for me this morning!
Got my old painting shirt on ready to go!
Have an amazing day!

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx

Friday, 18 May 2012

Happy Weekend!

Heading to my old high schools musical! Finally get to wear this gorgeous cape! So in love!
Tonight's outfit:
Cape: junk
Top: dotti
Pants: just jeans
Shoes: sportsgirl
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xxx

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Happy Thursday!

Up bright and early again today! Have a photography assignment due as well :)
Here is today's outfit:
Jumper: just jeans
Top: dotti
Jeans: just jeans
Scarf: bought from Stevie
Shoes: bought from mornington
Earrings: flick pope
Bracelets: flick pope & Von treskow

Ciao, MelbourneFashionDiary xx